Thursday, June 25, 2009

Naya learns to milk a cow, my name is "Mama Kai", Kai and Devin wield a machete and other news...

This has been a great week!

Naya learns to milk the cows: Naya has decided that Zachary, our farm animal manager and the executive directors brother is among her favorite staff members. In addition to helping him collect eggs, feeding the cows and pigs she decided yesterday that it was time she enter the cow pen and learn to milk, which she has watched him do most days. Being as though I have seen volunteers try and fail I didn't expect much for our eager little 5 year old. Well I was wrong...not only did she get right in there, help tie the legs, and squat right down practically under the cow but when it came to be her turn to milk massive amounts started squirting....ok...not into the bucket at this time as much as on her and Zach while she laughed hysterically but eventually she got the aim down and got a lot of milk! So proud of her. She has also decided that going barefoot is "easier to run" like the other kids and that her "toes work better". I say...good for her :)) She's lightening fast and keeps up with one of her favorite friends sospeter who is 7. I'll make sure to grab a pic of the sospeter and the kids next time. They are too cute.

My name is "Mama Kai": Interesting fact...once it is found out that you are a mother, not only is your respect and social status through the roof but also you lose your first name. Literally, it does not exist. When I meet women they will say my name is "Mama so and so" whether or not their children are around. It is typically the name of your youngest (i think) but I'll have to confirm this. I'm assuming this because staff know that I have Kai and Naya and they call me Mama Kai. I met Mama Jacquiline yesterday and upon confirming that I was in fact "Mama Kai" I got a big traditional "hand shake" which is actually the hand is going in for a hand shake but as it goes to "shake" it slaps as hard as a high five but in hand shake style. This is the same with all women young and old. I was greeted by Mary, an 83 year old women participating in our microfinance/loan program with the same "hand shake". I like the liveliness of it!

Devin (....and kai :))...take to the machetes: Ok, so truth is that I actually found Kai playing out front with one of the kids chopping of branches with a machete. I had to tell the truth about this for several reasons. :) One, Danielle would make me put away my garden shovel when the kids were at my house and I know that she'll have a heart attack reading this (hee hee! love you!). Two, I can't believe how protected (and it seems almost handicapped) American kids are by everything being so safety and child proofed. That being said, no, I don't think a 3 year old with a machete is a great starting point for this learning curve! :)) Three, I had to narrate this becasue, even I, the "anti-safety patrol" (my girlfriends can vouche for this) couldn't get it on camera as I would have had to have him freeze and pose with a 2 foot blade in his hand while I ran back to our house for the camera.

In other news: It's been a great week. We got the solar power picked up in Thika this morning and will start getting it installed tomorrow. Got the windows to the new school in and will begin that project in the morning. Got 1 more "saver" in the microfinance program who started her account with 300 shillings!(amazing since the goal for every month is 70 shillings[about 1 dollar] and most can barely make that), the Bio gas is exceeding our expectations and is producing way more than was's still a perfect mid 80's during the day and a nice cool 50's at night. This is great considering that we are technically heading into their "winter".
Thanks for all the kind words, prayers, and responses to our blog and pics on facebook. We love reading them and love keeping our friends and family up to date. :))


  1. Okay...I can go with tree climbing...4 wheeling while standing up..and high leaps from all sorts of furniture, but a machete?! I may be on the next plane :) Naya is a trooper for sure...what sweet , sweet pictures of her milking. Amazing!
    You all are amazing! Love you...Mom

  2. Hi Mama Kai, it's Mama Klare! Love it, how fun to experience such a different culture. Praying for you daily. Klare loves looking at all of your pictures and feels connected to your kiddos. Love you. Mama Klare

  3. Thanks guys :)) I'm glad Klare is feeling like she is getting to see where we are. Yes, mom, I knew the machete would push you to the edge. :)) That was half the fun of writing it. :))
