Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Back to work: quick update...

Hello from our new post in the middle of a beautiful nowhere!

Just a quick update to let family and friends know that we are settling in, back to work, and happy to be doing so.

New playstructure: We are starting the retaining wall for the new play structure area for the kids. It has been leveled and the wall started yesterday. Probably ready for the play equipment by next week.

Girls Dorm: Just getting estimates to build a new girls dorm so that we can begin to take girls as well. It will be similar to the large house you see our pictures, like a duplex. Each side as 1 or 2 "moms" depending on how many girls will be there. The vision is to keep the orphanage more like a family home as it grows and less like an institution. There are 9 acres available so this is a possibility.

Water lines: There is a new well and pump and it is ready to begin pumping water for the entire property. We are working with the plumber this week to pipe the perimeter including taps along the way to prepare for the addition of more duplexes as the orphanage grows. Janice and Phil have also put in the plans a community water tap that is regulated and will allow the people in the community to get fresh drinking water. There is plenty of water here but none potable.

Milking goat: The goat pen is finished and we will be buying a milking goat in the next couple weeks. The longer term goal will be to build a zero graze cow enclosure to accommodate a milking cow as well. This may be in the next couple months.

New pics are on facebook as well.

Ann, Devin, Naya, and Kai

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